This workshop is sure to empower parents and grow their level of participation in the IEP process.
This workshop teaches:
How to set the tone for the IEP meeting.
Learn strategies to support parents in being confident participants in the IEP process.
How to get support from the educational system when developing and setting goals for your child.
How to write an IEP Vision Statement for your child.
It is well known how important parents are to
obtaining the services needed for their child.
Often parents are not equipped for the task at
hand. Parents need more confidence.
Remembering that parents are experts on
knowing their child brings them equality at the
IEP table. In addition, obtaining knowledge of
the law and their rights, enhances the ability of
the parent to negotiate an IEP that is in
agreement with their vision for their child.
Some of the Services We Offer
Conduct workshop for parent organizations.
Conduct in-service workshops for schools and agencies.
Support parents by going to IEP meetings with them.
Sharing resources with parents, schools, and agencies.

This book will show you how to negotiate an IEP that supports the vision you have for your child.
Getting to Yes tells you how to:
Separate the people from the problem.
Focus on interest not positions.
Work together to creat options that will satisfy both parties, and
Negotiate successfully with people who are more powerful, refuse to play by the rules, or resort to "dirty tricks".
Getting your child's needs met is why you come to the IEP table. Sit down knowing you have the skills and confidence to lead a successful IEP team, that supports your vision for your child.